Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter

I love Harry Potter. I have read ALL the books twice and will now do it again beginning Thanksgiving weekend. (Ok maybe after I take the NCLEX). I still remember being in 8th grade and checking the book out from the Churchill Junior High library (our librarian sang in MoTab and I always looked for her during conference-so cool!). I have always loved reading, and still do, but the excitement of reading Harry Potter and thinking of nothing else is wonderful. When you're reading HP, everything you do is so that you can read. You do your homework faster, or not at all, you get your chores done, you miss meals, it doesn't matter what happens, you MUST keep reading. It becomes consuming, but it's SOOOOO great!!

The first part of the 7th movie came out last night and I cannot wait to see it!! No joke, I woke up this morning dreaming that I was in some HP book and trying to get to Diagon Alley. (Those of you who know me know this is very significant, I never ever ever dream and I can count on one hand the number of dreams I have had since I have been at college and I can tell you all of them). Anyways, I was trying to think of a particular spell and couldn't, it was so frustrating. Of course, the first thing I did when I woke up was google the spell, thank goodness for google. But that is how excited I am about this movie.

I also found out that the bell tower at BYU has been playing the Harry Potter theme!!! How cool is that??!! I love BYU. In honor of the movie, they played the Harry Potter theme every hour on Thursday between 8 and 6 and again today at noon.

On a less positive note, I took a dumb facebook quiz and it said my HP boyfriend would most likely be Fred or George Weasely. Facebook knows nothing. It was a slight shower on my Potter Parade, but I won't let it get me down. I know I deserve better, like Harry. Even Ron. He's kindof a dope sometimes, but incredibly endearing and hilarious. I'll find my Harry, someday.

Also, there was a fun article in the Daily Universe in relation to Harry Potter. It's called Sorting BYU Majors into Hogwarts houses. I really liked it, but they left out the Nursing program. Hello? For real? We have the highest GPAs on campus, we are incredibly resourceful, driven, competitive, and compassionate (just to name a few of our outstanding qualities). Even though she forgot us, it's ok, I still like the article. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thank You, Internet

Current videos I am loving:

This is so sad and so emotional, no I'm not depressed, emo, or anything of the sort. (I hate the word emo). Anyways, it's beautiful, lyrical, I could watch it a million times, and I love it.

And this is one of those really cool things that happens somewhere in the world that people should know about.

In the city of Tarragona, Spain, castellers gather every two years to see who can build the highest, most intricate human castles. This uniquely Catalan tradition requires astonishing strength, finesse, and balance. Not to mention courage.

Isn't it amazing what things people do and we don't even know about it? This is why you need to get out and explore a little. You find cool things! Enjoy!

Casteller from Mike Randolph on Vimeo.

1 month!!

Do you know what today is? Today is exactly 1 month aware from the day I'm done with school!!! Well, I still have to take the NCLEX, but I'm just going to overlook that for a second. So, these are the things I'm going to do when I graduate!

-Buy clothes, mostly so I can look cute on my days off! :)
-Wash my car more often
-Get pedicures
-Buy a beach cruiser
-Study art history more often
-Watch movies in the middle of the day
-Learn how to ice skate
-Go rock climbing
-Learn how to snowboard
-Go on lunch dates with my mom
-Join and be active in a professional nursing organization
-Dress up and celebrate Halloween
-Go sky diving
-Buy shoes
-Take bubble baths
-Learn how to put on make up (maybe even work at the make up counter at Nordstroms on the weekends?)
-Read. A lot.

Basically, when I graduate I will have SO much more time and I plan on taking great advantage of it! I can't wait for December 17!!