Wednesday, July 21, 2010


"Mark Kirkland, of Salt Lake City, Utah, has dedicated more than a decade of his life to a single concept: The sandwich in a can."

Yes, there is someone making pb & j that fits in a can. I don't know how I feel about this, it's super convenient, could be used in many situations, but it sounds a little sketchy. It comes out in August if you want to try!

Check out the full article here! (Yes, another "Today Show" find)


  1. I think I'l pass. Although, maybe we should serve them at our Tonga reunion!

  2. Ok that's gross. And YES I am moving to Tucson in 2 weeks for my dietetic residency/internship! WAHOOOOO!!!! How are you!?!??!

  3. i want to try one just saying...
