Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wanted: A Gym Partner

I love working out. Lifting. Running. Spinning. Stair climbing. Swimming. The works. However, I really like going with a friend! I'm not very reliable, my work schedule can really interfere, and I don't always go to the same gym, but if anyone ever wants to come, I would love some company. I like working hard and I'm not the type to go with make up on, so if you feel like you can keep up let me know! :)


  1. I want to once this baby comes out. P.S. Those are cute shoes... Do you have them? I want them.

  2. me!!
    seriously I always want a workout friend so we can push each other.
    next time you go running let me know!

  3. hi. i just saw your blog on facebook.
    i'm glad we can workout together! {when we both are able to go!}
    reading this post is funny to me because i would totally NOT be the type of person to read this blog and think, i want to work hard at the gym.
    in fact, i used to wear make-up to the gym... until i realized i just sweat it all off and having make up on my towel is just gross. :)
    you inspire me to work hard, thanks!
